Arrow Season 4 thoughts

arrow s4

Season 3 of Arrow ended with Oliver finally killing Ra’s al Ghul, Oliver deciding to stop being a hero and leaving with Felicity knowing that there are other heroes that can take his place, Malcolm becoming the new Ra’s and Ray while testing a way to miniaturize the ATOM suit causes an explosion.

While I didn’t really like how Oliver left with Felicity I’m glad that they revealed at San Diego Comic Con that Oliver will finally become the Green Arrow and his new Superhero costume can be seen in the poster at the top. I figure Season 4 of Arrow should have a new tone and feel to it compared to last season.

As for Ray I’m not worried that the explosion killed him since he will be starring in the upcoming DC show, Legends of Tomorrow, as The ATOM. Also with Sara starring in Legends her revival via the Lazarus Pit should happen sometime in Season 4 before midseason when the new show starts. I can’t wait to see how they go about bringing her back.

Other Season 4 information revealed so far includes the casting of the character Damien Darhk, leader of H.I.V.E., other new characters to come are Anarky, a villain, and Mr. Terrific, will work with Felicity, Diggle will get a costume that involves a helmet and Malcolm will be back in his hood by episode 3 and the first episode of the Season will be entitled, “Green Arrow”.

I’ll have to wait to decide what I think of Anarky and Mr. Terrific joining since I’ve never read the Green Arrow comics so everything I learn about the Arrow-verse comes from this show. I’m glad to hear that Diggle will actually get a costume this season, I wonder if he’ll get a Superhero name. As for Malcolm I figured as much that he wouldn’t be Ra’s for long.

I can’t wait to see the Season Premiere in October and find out what event causes Oliver to return to Starling City. It should be interesting to see how the character of Oliver becomes the Green Arrow. In the end though I just hope the writing for Season 4 is better than that of Season 3. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

Credit for the poster goes to the Arrow facebook page.